Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad on the Friday CWSC On-Air Roundtable!

Welcome to the Friday CWSC On-Air Roundtable!

Imam W. Deen Mohammed (RA) ascended the podium at the original Nation of Islam’s February 26, 1975 Saviors Day Annual Convention to begin a historic evolution…Now 40 years later we ask how far have we come and what remains to be done in the continuing evolution of a people.

CWSCGeneralRountableKGMAt 9am EST, the Roundtable welcomes Dharr S. Dihaan, director for CWSC Human Resources Development on establishing CWSC as a “Learning Organization,” committed to community service.  Brother Dharr, a former executive director responsible for community relations and grantwriting services, introduces the vision for learning labs, professional development and more. Then Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad joins AM360’s Roundtable host Mark Shahid and AM360 Executive Producer William Kareem at 9:30 am for a discussion on the evolution of the Community, plus Crime and Race in America: Issues and Answers with Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad, a great-grandson of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and author of The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America.

This week the Roundtable at the intersection of organizational development, faith, race, crime and politics. Part VI of the special commemoration of our 40th Anniversary Transition & Evolution Tune in or dial in at (646) 716-4478 and tweet us @CWShuraa on May 29 at 9:00 am EST.

This week’s Roundtable edition is dedicated to American Muslim pioneer the late Dr. Betty Shabazz, widow of Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz (Malcom X).

From panel discussions to guest interviews, CWSC’s Roundtable is the place for constructive dialogue on the good things happening and on chronic issues we face, including dealing with the cultural barriers to operational excellence. When you want light and not heat…tune into the CWSC Roundtable!

CWSC Friday Roundtables are an opinion, viewpoints, and perspectives discussion sponsored by the Community Wide Shuraa Conference. Roundtable views expressed by hosts, panelists and guests are not necessarily the official position of the CWSC, Inc.

Click on the image below for an encore presentation of Last Friday’s Roundtable: Shuraa Baynahum in Theory and Practice with Honorable Judge David Shaheed


Got an idea for a Roundtable, cwsconline@gmail.com is your way to connect with us. We just may feature a panel discussion on your idea or subject!  CWSC has the ability to move from the airwaves to the pathways and from idea to reality. Get on a focus team or become a consultant in your area of expertise  and help all our institutions through the Model Communities National Resource Directory! Join the CWSC Volunteer Network and help remake the world.

Supporting the Work of CWSC, AM360, Scholarships, and much more!…

am360.1Thank you for making a tax deductible contribution to help CWSC serve our communities! Our most popular giving level is $9.99/month, but give what is comfortable for you. Make a secure and convenient contribution online, or by U.S. Mail at:

CWSC, 2620 Bragg Boulevard, Suite D, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303

Or phone in a pledge at (910) 317-0297. Your donation helps all our operations including AM360 and allows us to continue expanding our ability to do good. Jazak Allahu Khairan.

The CWSC Online Muslim Townhall Central…

CWSC Working Session3
Checkout all the new features online at our website. Hover your mouse over Townhall Central to see how CWSC is a favorite spot for all the family as the site expands to include free sharing of national events and announcements and soon insha-Allah, the CWSC Business Plaza to connect merchants with customers…you’ll be able to find any of our businesses in the country right online. Got an announcement to share with the entire community…send program details and contact to cwsconline@gmail.com and we’ll post it here. Stay tuned!

Apply now for the CWSC Scholarship…

The WMP ScholarshipOr encourage a student to apply for the CWSC Words Make People Leadership & Community Service Scholarship― inspiring tomorrow’s leaders today. Deadline June 20, 2015…$1,000 in scholarship funds!  Complete details and application are right here on the CWSC website….

And now a short story…[An Adaptation]

One warm summer afternoon, a group of five friends gathered around a fire on the banks of a small river in the woods. They had just made prayer and were now sprawled on the grass or sitting on logs, they drank cool shabazz punch and had a light bean pie desert after dinner of grilled halal lamb, chatting amidst the sounds of rushing water, birdcalls, and the buzz of crickets. Suddenly, one of them stood up with a cry. 

Dropping her shabazz punch, she skidded down the muddy bank into the river. The rest of them watched, bemused, as she waded in up to her waist, grabbed something floating there, and carried it back to them. As she came out of the water, the others heard something crying. “Ya Allah!” one of them said. She held a baby in her hands. “It was drowning,” the woman with the baby said, “I don’t know if it’s okay.” Then someone else in the group shouted, “There’s another one!” He rushed down into the water as well, followed by the others. As they waded in to get the second baby, one of them happened to look up the river. “Oh no,” she said. As far up as she could see, babies struggled in the water.

The group began frantically rushing in and out of the river, trying to catch the babies as they went by. At first they managed to get all of them before they went by, but after a while they started getting tired. Babies started getting by them. They saw some babies go under without coming back up. Crying and shaking from the cold river water, they couldn’t stop. The riverbank became littered with more and more babies, some crawling around, others not moving. But there wasn’t time to check on them. There were always more in the water. Finally one of the rescuers stopped. She stood for a moment, thinking, and then she took off running up the river, away from the group. “Come back!” cried one of her friends. “What are you doing?” yelled another as he struggled toward the bank with a baby in both arms. “I’m going to find out who’s throwing all these babies in the river,” she shouted back, and she frantically ran.” The End? Well as Mr. Paul Harvey used to say…and now the rest of the story: To continue, send us an email to cwsconline@gmail.com and we’ll share a powerful ending!

Check out the CWSC Online Store & Bookshelf…

When you purchase featured titles through our online store or through our partners, you help us fund our operations, promote the intellectual works representing our diverse intelligentsia and encourage greater scholarship for our own education and the broader society’s education. Check out this week’s featured title for our 40th Anniversary:

Genesis of New American LeadershipGenesis of New American Leadership. Featuring a foreword by Imam Omar Shaheed and afterword by Imam Plemon T. El-Amin, Genesis of New American Leadership: Building the Community Life is one of the most powerful books from the American Muslim perspective since The Autobiography of Malcolm X!…It is the text from which organizations in the Association of Imam W. Deen  Mohammed adapted their mission statements.  An examination of how millions of American Muslims moved from theocratic autocracy toward true Islamic democracy and the lessons for today’s leaders. Provocative, yet pragmatic, universal yet specific and one of the most intriguing books ever written by an American author on leadership. For Muslims this book is about the genesis of a new responsibility and for the non-Muslim, it is about the genesis of a new understanding and acceptance.  FPLLC Qalam Books Division, English, hardcover, dust jacket, reference text: 336p.

“Education is the greatest tool for advancing the society.” We do want to advance our society, don’t we? Are you a part of a society or are you just a part of a Masjid?”―Imam W. Deen Mohammed (ra)

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