
[Note: Only remote non-onsite assistance is currently available to registered MCNRD institutions via the VHRN (Volunteer Human Resource Network) until further notice.

Help CWSC increase its capacity to help our community. Network with others. 

You’re invited to help us organize the intellectual resources to make our model community vision all over America a reality. Together, we can leverage the power of the group intellect to solve problems and discover new opportunities to improve our total community life.

MCNRDHelp build a national intelligentsia upon the principles of Amruhum Shuraa Baynahum or faith-based mutual and respectful consultation. Every person has his or her contribution to make in building model communities. Make yours.  It’s easy to register.

Just be age 18* or over.

• Have a commitment to our model communities vision.

• Agree to volunteer a minimum number of hours annually assisting institutions registered in the Model Communities National Resource Directory.

• Use your skills, training, knowledge, and experience to help our institutions achieve excellence.

• Provide onsite or offsite/remote assistance.

• Become a recognized subject matter expert (SME) helping institutions and collaborating with other SMEs and CWSC volunteers. Find resources instantly via any internet connected device.

• Help our institutions access a national human resource databank more numerous and diverse than any one institution could ever build alone.

Click here to begin sharing your knowledge, skills, training, and experience. Let’s build our Community!

* If under age 18, but at least age 15-17, you must have parental consent to register or volunteer.

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